

Opening tomorrow in theaters all across Japan will be the next epic DBZ movie Battle of the Gods.

It is the 18th film and the 1st film to be considered an actual part of the DBZ storyline it takes place a few years after the epic Majin Buu battle and between chapters 517 and 518 of the manga. I wont spoiler anything for you with this but lets just say that Goku will have to go above and beyond to beat his new rival Brius the God of Destruction.




In 2011 we had the pleasure of seeing Gokaiger which is one of the greatest season of super sentai ever. After it ended I believed nothing could live up to its awesome-ness and Gobusters was no exception it was one of the worst series ive seen in awhile. From the beginning I believed that something was off and it just felt boring. Now I am not saying that every episode was terrible there were defiantly some epic moments especially near the end. Gobusters served its purpose it seemed to be just filler for greatness to come.

I am about a month late introducing this, but 2013 has brought us something very fresh and very exciting. Voltasaur Team Kyoryuger is introduced and so far its action packed to the extreme!


This series is interesting as random people are chosen and they dont all get along at the very begining. I dont remember any main team members not willing to be a team since Jetman but I could be wrong. I believe its not till episode 3 when everything comes together which I feel is a bit to soon. Since the main megazord is only made of 3 zords I was hoping for a small alliance on the side. Although how they pulled it off does work. These rangers are very powerful and this show is crazy action packed.

I highly suggest everyone give sentai a second chance and check out this series. Head over to over time subs for the torrent download of each episode.


Throwback Thursday is a weekly nod to the past. In these articles we will be discussing things from a more memorable time. Whether it be games, anime, an old random picture, or even an iconic wrestling match. Which is where I am beginning today.

It is far from my favorite match but it is very memorable. It was the last time I saw my two all time favorite wrestlers step into the ring face to face. This match is known as “The Streak vs. The career match” Where if Shawn Michaels didnt beat the Undertaker to end his 18-0 Wrestlemania streak he would be forced into retirement. I hope you enjoy this as much as I did.


Today history will be made… sort of. If you were a kickstarter fundee back in 2012 the long wait for your early shipment of ouya is on its way. If your not sure what Im talking about follow this link

I play on doing daily diary updates when I get it hopefully starting this monday. So stay Tuned!

Welcome everyone to the launch of the next awesome blog Northern Sky Industries. Here we will provide Game reviews/ previews from every console to the PC. Sometimes we will find things from pop culture to post here. I will be reviewing some select anime. If your interested in anything from the geek world then you have arrived at the right place. Welcome and stayed Tuned!

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